Give you flexibility and choice. Unlike an HMO, the PPO plan does not require that you select a Primary Care Physician (PCP) or require any referral from a PCP to see a specialist. At the time of service, you may choose to see a PPO provider or an out-of-network provider.
When you use the services of a PPO provider, your benefits are paid at the highest level (your out of pocket cost will be the lowest). Therefore, it is to your advantage to use PPO providers, but it is not required. If you use an out-of-network provider, you are responsible for paying the difference in cost between the out-of-network provider’s charges and the allowed amount.
Annual Deductible
Specialist Visit
Out-of-Pocket Maximum
Preventive Care
Urgent Care Visit
Office Visit (Primary Care)
Emergency Room Visit
Important plan documents coming soon.