Qualifying Life Events

Qualifying Life Events (QLE) allow you to make changes within the year as long as you make the change and provide the required supporting documentation within the required timeframe. Please submit any QLE changes on Employee Navigator.

Qualifying Life Events (QLE) allow you to make changes within the year as long as you make the change and provide the required supporting documentation within the required timeframe.

If you experience one of the events below, please follow the instructions below within 30 days of the event. If you miss this deadline, you may have to wait until the next Benefits Open Enrollment period to make changes.


Getting married, legally separated, or divorced is a QLE that qualifies you to make changes to your benefits.


If you and/or your dependent are enrolled in a different employer's plan and lose that coverage, you’re eligible for a QLE.


Giving birth to or adopting a child or obtaining legal custody of a child qualifies as a QLE.


Things like Parking, Transit and Daycare benefits.


Change in employment status.

Dependent Requriements

A dependent newly satisfies or ceases to satisfy eligibility requirements.


A change in your place of residence.

Legal Changes

Court judgements, decrees, or orders.


Medicare or Medicaid entitlement.


FMLA leave of absence.

Hours Adjustment

Reduction of hours; Exchange/Marketplace enrollment.